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First Line of Management for Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Assured delivery of high quality diagnostic assessment of your peripheral vessels.
Spine! The body’s most Intricate Arrangement.
Ignore Nothing When it is Spine!
Opt minimal disruption & maximum safety with us.
Best of best Neuro Practices at Your Service
We believe least in extensive brain surgeries, so we invest best in least invasive procedures.
Need a Doctor for Check-up? Call for an Emergency Service!
Dr. Akhil Monga
Best Interventional Radiologist and Endovascular Surgeon
A well-known face among the top Neuro and Vascular Interventional Radiologists in India. He has earned his Doctor of Medicine degree in Radiology from the AIIMS, New Delhi, the most prestigious medical institute of India. In addition to this, he has dedicated two worthy years of his career in KMCH, Coimbatore for Interventional Radiology fellowship program. He has gathered paramount expertise in his field by performing 200+ vascular cases.
Our Services
We are pioneering the best minimally invasive neuro procedures in the latest and most advanced establishments. As we are committed to serve you the best.
Patient Testimonials
Patient Testimonials
“I had a severe prostatic infection. I consulted many doctors and took many antibiotics but i was informed that it is not responding and now removing the gland surgically was my only option which had multiple side effects ...... Read More
- Mr Vishal
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