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    VenaSeal (cyanoacrylate) is among the most recent and advanced innovations in the varicose veins treatment options. It uses using medical glue known as VenaSeal to close the defective vein.

    VenaSeal Adhesive is a medical-grade glue that is mainly used to seal the saphenous veins present in thighs and legs. After a vein is glued shut, there occurs a process of hardening or sclerosis.. The main advantage of this procedure is that it is minimally invasive.


    How is the VenaSeal procedure done?

    A small catheter (hollow tube) is placed inside the target vein. VenaSeal vein glue is the injected  under ultrasound guidance into the target vein . Upon closure of the vein, blood gets re-routed into other healthier veins immediately. This procedure is so less invasive that it is done with the patient awake with a small amount of local anesthesia at the puncture site.. There is no risk of skin burns and nerve damage unlike heat-based procedures like endo venous laser/radiofrequency ablation. Moreover, no immediate post-treatment pain-alleviating drugs or compression stockings are required after VenaSeal varicose vein treatment.

    How safe is VenaSeal?

    Various medical studies suggest that VenaSeal is a highly safe and effective solution to eliminate varicose veins. It very successfully closes the target vein permanently allowing rerouting of the blood flow. Patients may go back to work the next day.

    How successful is VenaSeal?

    Studies have proven that VenaSeal has a success rate of 94-99% (6 months post-treatment) with highly sustainable long-term results..

    Is the VenaSeal procedure painful?

    Although most of the VenaSeal treated patients do not suffer from pain. But some patients may experience little tenderness at the site of treatment. However, this tenderness is transient in nature. Furthermore, the patients who experience such episodes of post-procedural pain have described it to be mild and easily managed with simple pain killers for a few days

    The most sustainable solution to alleviate such post-procedure soreness is to keep elevating your legs, especially the treated ones at frequent intervals. Moreover, one can use a heating pad or can consume over-the-counter painkillers upon requirement. However, if the pain gets severe or worsens with time, reach the doctor without delay.

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