
Carotid angioplasty and stenting

Aug 19, 2022


Carotid angioplasty and stenting Carotid angioplasty and stenting

Carotid angioplasty and stenting are procedures done to open narrow or blocked arteries to restore blood flow to the brain. It is usually done as a preventive measure for stroke.

The carotid arteries are the main arteries which supply blood to the brain. They are located on each side of the neck. These arteries sometimes get clogged because of the fatty deposits also known as plaque. This slows or blocks blood flow to the brain. This condition is called carotid artery disease. It can lead to a stroke. 

In a carotid angioplasty procedure, a tiny balloon is temporarily inserted and inflated into the clogged artery. This is done to widen the artery so that blood can flow freely to your brain. 

Carotid angioplasty is usually done in combination with another procedure known as stenting. Stenting is a procedure which involves placing a small metal coil called a stent in the blocked artery. The stent helps in keeping the artery open and decreases the chance of it becoming narrow again. Carotid angioplasty and stenting are advisable when traditional carotid surgery is not possible or is too risky to be done.

Why is Carotid angioplasty and stenting done?

Carotid angioplasty and stenting are done for the treatment of stroke or it is done as a stroke-prevention option. 

It is advised by a doctor when 

  • If the carotid artery has a blockage of 70% or more
  • If the patient is having a stroke or stroke symptoms
  • If a patient's health doesn't allow them to undergo traditional surgery like if the patient is having severe heart or lung disease
  • If you are experiencing a new narrowing of arteries after carotid surgery.
  • If the location of the narrowing is difficult to access with surgery

You can discuss with your doctor, Dr Akhil Monga regarding the best treatment approach for you.

How are carotid artery angioplasty and stenting performed? 

  • Firstly, you will be given anaesthesia, and once you're sedated, the doctor will make a puncture in the femoral artery in the groin area.
  • Then a small tube is placed into the artery. A catheter with a balloon tip is then threaded through the tube to the narrowed carotid artery under X-ray guidance.
  • Contrast material is then injected into the carotid artery through the catheter. It helps in providing a detailed view of the affected artery and also the blood flow through it to the brain.
  • Then the balloon tip is inflated to open up the narrowed artery and push the plaque aside to restore the normal blood flow.
  • Then a small metal mesh tube called a stent can be placed in the newly opened vessel. This helps in providing support to the expanded artery and avoids its narrowing again.
  • After the procedure is over, generally no stitches are given. A dressing is applied to the incision site.

For the best carotid angioplasty and stenting treatment, you can book your appointment at +91-9910500531

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